
Lab Introduction

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DIP/EFT/SURGE Integrated Test System

Date:2018/6/25 14:21:55 Hits:

Voltage dips,short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests


Assess the resistance of electrical and electronic equipment to voltage sag, short interruption, and voltage change.


Standard:EN 61000-4-11; IEC 61000-4-11; GB/T 17626.11

Electrical fast transient/Burst immunity test

Assess electrical and electronic power supply ports, signal and control ports in response to repeated rapid transient interference performance. Verify that electrical and electronic devices are resistant to various types of transient disturbance from switching transient processes.
Standard:EN 61000-4-4; IEC 61000-4-4; GB/T 17626.4

Surge immunity test

Assess the resistance of electrical and electronic devices to surges caused by switching and lightning transient overvoltage.
Standard:EN 61000-4-5; IEC 61000-4-5; GB/T 17626.5


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